Delivery and installation of furniture on site

Our professionalism in the implementation of careful delivery, high-quality assembly and competent installation of furniture on the site is a guarantee of the successful launch of the work of the customer’s new office.

The service life and flawless functioning of the furniture depend on how carefully the furniture is delivered, professionally assembled and installed. The work of our service department is a well-organized and structured process. Each link of work is controlled by competent and experienced managers, and in general the department works as a unified well-coordinated mechanism.

Before installing the furniture, it is necessary to inspect the site, for this our managers visit the customer’s office. There are sometime non-standard situations when the site is delayed. In such a situation, we can provide our warehouse resources — furniture, in additional agreement with the customer, can be stored in our warehouse until the site is ready.

The peculiarity of the installation of office furniture consists in the high-quality assembly of a large number of items, error-free placement in accordance with layouts, the perfect fit of built-in elements, as well as compliance with safety, cleanliness and order. We continuously monitor the progress of work on the site and inform the customer about the current status, responsibly and promptly resolve difficulties if they arise. Upon completion of the installation, together with the customer, we do a thorough inspection of the entire installed volume of furniture and sign the Act of delivery and acceptance of services.









Our responsibility, professionalism and a high level of organization at this critical stage are a guarantee of the successful completion of the entire project and the timely launch of the work of the customer’s new office.

117105, Russia, Moscow, Business center «Danilov Plaza», Novodanilovskaya embankment 6 building 1, 9 floor, 5/35, ООО «КОНЦЕПТ МП»
+7 (495) 797-90-10
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