
  Brochure Spirit 
(pdf, 665.6 KB)
  Brochure Spirit Air 
(pdf, 665.6 KB)
  3ds Spirit Executive 
(zip, 878.4 KB)
  3ds Spirit Manager 
(zip, 789.9 KB)
  3ds Spirit Air Executive 
(zip, 895.2 KB)
  3ds Spirit Air Manager 
(zip, 916.0 KB)
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Spirit is an executive chair with orientable headrest produced by one of the largest Italy’s seating companies Sitland. The design of Spirit was created by well-known Italian designers Baldanzi & Novelli.

The modern design of Spirit is combined with cutting-edge technology to satisfy any use and provide the best performances and user’s comfort. Spirit seat and back feature an ergonomic pad in flexible polyurethane, ideal for those who must sit for extended periods at work. To ensure proper posture and reduce muscular fatigue Spirit is equipped with lumbar support with adjustable height to ensure suitable support at the base of the spine. Spirit Executive features a headrest that can be tilted back or forward to ensure the proper support of cervical vertebrae.

Spirit has a linear and elegant shape and is presented in a wide range of upholsteries and finishes available in different colors. Spirit has achieved GREENGUARD Certification.

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Sitland Products

117105, Russia, Moscow, Business center «Danilov Plaza», Novodanilovskaya embankment 6 building 1, 9 floor, 5/35, ООО «КОНЦЕПТ МП»
+7 (495) 797-90-10
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