
Pedrali, established in 1963, offers to an international public satisfying the most varied needs, through products conceived in the name of functionality and design.

Thanks to the specialization of our production departments, Pedrali products — 100% full Made in Italy — are manufactured in our premises in Mornico al Serio (Bergamo) and Manzano (Udine).

The continuous attention to the needs and tendencies of the market have led to a constant and balanced development throughout time, determining a first hand position for both productive capacity and also from a commercial point of view.

Pedrali stands out for its continuous development of material usage; research and experimentation are the basic principles. The continuous use of technology, the constant collaboration with interior designers and with the final user allow for new product ideas to be conceived every day.

Pedrali Products

117105, Russia, Moscow, Business center «Danilov Plaza», Novodanilovskaya embankment 6 building 1, 9 floor, 5/35, ООО «КОНЦЕПТ МП»
+7 (495) 797-90-10
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