Foreign economic activity (FEA) support

We provide a full range of logistics services for the delivery and customs clearance of furniture orders.

Concept works with proven transportation and customs clearance schemes. We cooperate only with reliable carriers. Among other services, our FEA package of order support includes:

  • Supply contracts with factories
  • Registration and receipt of documents for products, including certificates required on the territory of the Russian Federation
  • Preparation of documents for transportation and customs clearance of goods
  • Cargo insurance
  • Transportation and consolidation of goods
  • Passage of customs procedures

Thanks to the competence and professionalism of our logistics department, we are able to find various flexible delivery solutions that can significantly improve the delivery time of the order and reduce the customer’s expenses.

117105, Russia, Moscow, Business center «Danilov Plaza», Novodanilovskaya embankment 6 building 1, 9 floor, 5/35, ООО «КОНЦЕПТ МП»
+7 (495) 797-90-10
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