Laboratory equipment

We carry out a comprehensive supply and installation of innovative furniture systems and related equipment for laboratory and educational purposes.

Concept is a dealer of global furniture brands, leaders in the design and production of high-tech laboratory furniture. The products of these companies are developed by highly qualified industrial designers. In addition to an impressive range of standard collections, brands develop and produce customized products to order.

  • Schools and higher education institutions
  • Industrial and pharmaceutical companies
  • Health care facilities
  • Public catering enterprises
  • Experimental design bureaus
  • Data centers

The example of our realised project with laboratories is School «Letovo».

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Overview of case studies realised by Concept.

117105, Russia, Moscow, Business center «Danilov Plaza», Novodanilovskaya embankment 6 building 1, 9 floor, 5/35, ООО «КОНЦЕПТ МП»
+7 (495) 797-90-10
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