QPS-service of Concept

Our new offer — Quick Project Service: full furniture equipment for your office in the shortest time.

We often encounter situations when clients need to open offices on a tight schedule — when there is no time to wait for furniture production from foreign factories or long transport logistics. Responding to the current needs of the market, we offer a Quick Project Service: we can talk about opening an office for 100−200 employees within one-two weeks. Our vast professional experience allows us to implement projects in a very tight time frame.

Quick Project Service
All the customer needs — is to contact Concept!
  • We will contact your new premise
  • Make all measurements
  • Prepare all the layouts
  • Find everything you need in the warehouse programs of our suppliers
  • Agree with you the Commercial Offer
  • Promptly deliver and install furniture

Thus, in one-two weeks you will have a fully furnished functional office: executive offices, workplaces, kitchen areas, reception, lounge areas and other.
We will choose, deliver and install everything you need to launch a new office in the shortest possible time.

Send your request (please specify your company name in the comment), and our managers will contact you immediately.


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117105, Russia, Moscow, Business center «Danilov Plaza», Novodanilovskaya embankment 6 building 1, 9 floor, 5/35, ООО «КОНЦЕПТ МП»
+7 (495) 797-90-10
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