Presentation of the innovative lighting system Luctra

On April 27, the presentation of the innovative lighting system Luctra ® by Durable took place in the Concept’s showroom.

Professor Gunter Horntrich, the owner and founder of Yellow Design, and Jonathan Bruhn, thedirector of Luctra project, spoke about the key features of the unique lighting system Luctra ®, which is designed to help stabilise individual human biorhythm.

Light is the essential clock generator which effects human health and well-being. Workplace lamps are particularly important: high-quality lightning improves the efficiency working of employees. LUCTRA® took a step forward in this direction, introducing biologically effective lighting. LUCTRA® lighting almost entirely reproduces the colour spectrum of sunlight, so it has a stabilising effect on our daily biological rhythm.

The participants of the presentation included the founder of Yellow Design professor Gunter Horntrich, director of the Luctra project Jonathan Bruhn, as well as sales and business development manager Lolita Ebril. The guests had the opportunity to test the influence of light on human health, as well as evaluate the performance and functionality of the portable wireless lamp LUCTRA® FLEX.

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