It was decided to select only black and white interior color schemes for the office of the international integrated pharmaceutical company Glenmark. This timeless, harmonious, and elegant mono-combination is used in work areas, kitchen, meeting rooms, as well as in the executive offices. The reception area is also decorated in black and white colors, only the Ball armchairs with red upholstery are used as bright accent spots.
For the Glenmark brand, Concept has supplied furniture from the Lithuanian manufacturer Narbutas. The total area of the office is 374 square meters.
Overview of other case studies realised by Concept.
117105, Russia, Moscow, Business center «Danilov Plaza», Novodanilovskaya embankment 6 building 1, 9 floor, 5/35, ООО «КОНЦЕПТ МП»
+7 (495) 797-90-10
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